Zimbabwe: Three women rape man to steal sperm for witchcraft

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police fear a trio of female 'sperm collectors' are on the loose in Zimbabwe after they picked up a hitchhiker on a highway and raped him in order to 'harvest' his sperm.

The women, believed to be driving a white Toyota Cresta, offered him a lift along a main road in the city of Bulawayo, in the country's southwest.

But partway through the journey the women attacked him - forcing him to have sex with them and making off with his semen.
These attacks were fueled by a demand for men's semen in traditional luck-enhancing 'juju' rituals.

According to reports, victims of the freeway femme fatales are drugged or subdued at gun or knife-point - one man was even forced to perform at 'snake-point' when his rapists brandished a live snake.

The male victims are then given a sexual stimulant and forced to have sex repeatedly before being dumped on the side of the road.'

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... the people who write for The Onion can't even begin to compete.

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Oh..., Jesus....! (-_-)

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