Problems With Paternity: Fraud To Securing Parental Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'Paternity is a major problem area in family courts, whether you are talking about issues pertaining to fraud or biological fathers obstructed from having a relationship with their children. Unfortunately, there is little being done to fix these matters.

This leaves millions of men and children stuck in a legal rut, as courts require an inane number of hoops to be jumped when it comes to paternity law, oftentimes with scant hope of obtaining justice.

From fathers being required to pay support for children that DNA tests prove are not theirs to fathers blocked by the courts from being involved in their children's lives, family courts have much to do before the current system is fixed and justice is served.'

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I read the article with interest. Paternity fraud is shameful and I think laws could do much more to curb it. However the article makes this claim:

[quote] In fact, studies have found as many as 30 percent of fathers paying child support are not the biological father of the children they are supporting. [end quote]

The 30 percent part is highlighted as if it links to a study or something to substantiate the claim. What it links to is another similar article, which if you dig, contains the following words:

[quote] Over the last decade, the number of paternity tests taken every year jumped 64 percent, to more than 400,000. That figure counts only a subset of tests — those that are admissible in court and thus require an unbiased tester and a documented chain of possession from test site to lab. Other tests are conducted by men who, like Mike, buy kits from the Internet or at the corner Rite Aid, swab the inside of their cheeks and that of their putative child’s and mail the samples to a lab. Of course, the men who take the tests already question their paternity, and for about 30 percent of them, their hunch is right. [end quote]

Studies have a title, an objective, and state where, when and how data is collected. The above has none of those and is just words based on the author's assumptions. For example, how does one know all these tests were purchased by men trying to disprove paternity? Maybe they were purchased by men or women trying to prove paternity.

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