"Artificial Intelligence Might Just Disrupt Know-It-All White Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'White male executives, long accustomed to their opinions becoming policy, may have the most to fear from artificial intelligence.

Seas of data analyzed by swift cognitive computing could make the gut instincts of the executives who dominate business obsolete, according to the lone woman on a five-person panel at the MIT Technology Conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Saturday.

“A lot of business is run by, no offense, smart white men,” said Amanda Kahlow, chief executive of the AI-driven marketing firm 6sense, as she turned to the four white men serving on the panel. “AI is going to take the ego out of the equation.”'

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... know-it-all white (and non-white) women in both board and bed room, too. In fact, eventually, everyone'll be replaced by BB-8s. Yippee!

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