SAVE: Title IX Administrator Group Wants to Abolish Presumption of Innocence

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Title IX is the law that bans sex discrimination in schools. The Department of Education Office for Civil Rights requires all colleges to have a Title IX coordinator to establish policies and investigate complaints. Well and good.

But in recent years, the Office for Civil Rights has published a series of controversial Dear Colleague Letters that have expanded the definition of sexual harassment to include bawdy speech, unwanted flirting, off-color jokes, and the like. Expanded definitions translate in more complaints and eventually larger budgets for Title IX offices.

This has given rise to a shadow campus-based adjudication system that lacks transparency, accountability, or due process protections for the accused. This raises the specter of a Kangaroo Court, which the dictionary defines as a “mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.”'

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