Hillary used to support registering women for the draft, now she’s not sure

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hillary Clinton, the ultimate girl-power activist, once backed registering women for the draft — but now she won’t take a position on the issue.

At a town hall forum Wednesday night in New Hampshire, Clinton punted on a question from CNN host Anderson Cooper on whether she supports a recommendation this week from leaders of the Army and Marine Corps that women should register like men.

“I have to think about whether I think it’s necessary to go as far as our military officers are recommending,” Clinton responded.

“You know, from my perspective, the all-volunteer military has worked, and we should not do anything that undermines it because it has provided a solid core of people who are willing to serve our country. The idea of having everybody register concerns me a little bit, unless we have a better idea of where that’s going to come out.”'

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... she thinks the all-vol. military is working so females shouldn't register for the draft. Does that not imply that *no one* should bother registering since the all-vol. military has been such a resounding success?

Seems like it to me.

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Feminists : "#KillAllMen" "Patriarchy!" "Oppression!!" "Equality!! Equality!! Equality!!"

Federal Government : "Women must sign up for the draft!"

Feminists : "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! ...let's not be hasty...!"

Lolz! I have already heard feminists who are, for all intent and purpose, saying just this! (^_^)

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