The Yale Problem Begins in High School

Article here. Excerpt:

'That night, after I gave a different talk to an adult audience, there was a reception at which I spoke with some of the parents. Several came up to me to tell me that their sons had told them about the day’s events. The boys finally had a way to express and explain their feelings of discouragement. Their parents were angry to learn about how their sons were being treated and… there’s no other word for it, bullied into submission by the girls.*

And Centerville High is not alone. Last summer I had a conversation with some boys who attend one of the nation’s top prep schools, in New England. They reported the same thing: as white males, they are constantly on eggshells, afraid to speak up on any remotely controversial topic lest they be sent to the “equality police” (that was their term for the multicultural center). I probed to see if their fear extended  beyond the classroom. I asked them what they would do if there was a new student at their school, from, say Yemen. Would they feel free to ask the student questions about his or her country? No, they said, it’s too risky, a question could be perceived as offensive.

You might think that this is some sort of justice — white males have enjoyed positions of privilege for centuries, and now they are getting a taste of their own medicine. But these are children. And remember that most students who are in a victim group for one topic are in the “oppressor” group for another. So everyone is on eggshells sometimes; all students at Centerville High learn to engage with books, ideas, and people using the twin habits of defensive self-censorship and vindictive protectiveness.'

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with white males, then it only follows that white males should be subjected to all sorts of ridicule and unfair discrimination. more failed feminist logic? this is not about male privilege, it is about handing out more free stuff, in the form of elevated positions an such, to those who already benefit beyond measure from all forms of affirmative action, and still can't excel. socialism, whatever the final form, has never worked and never will. people getting favoritism and handouts via gov. enforced standards don't produce nearly as well as those who must earn and claw their way to the top. the idea that white men are just generally handed their success is another lie propagated to make the real recipients of gov. largess fell better about themselves when they inevitably fail.

failure after failure of one socialist system after another, after another, after another, in the past and in the present, and still young people flock to their tired, worn out banner. and so history repeats itself, again. too bad there aren't aps that instill wisdom.

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