Rebranding Chauvinism as Misogyny Criminalises All Men
Essay here . Excerpt:
'Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard felt it was appropriate in 2011 to rebrand ‘Male Chauvinism’ as ‘Misogyny.’ The reasoning behind her decision was she did not think men took the term ‘male chauvinist’ seriously since its inception in the 60’s/70’s. She felt that the term had lost its bite.
The 1970’s man would have take offence to being called a male chauvinist pig. Through female overuse, the term has lost its punch to the point most men don’t even remember that Chauvinism was even a label, never mind a bad label.
Women are prone to demanding the redefinition of words because they feel that they are not inclusive enough to satisfy female emotional pride. Two recent examples:
A woman claims to have been ‘sort-of-raped’ because her partner ejaculated in her out of spite during anger sex. She states ‘Now that I’ve taken a small sip at the cup of rape, I understand just how terrible it is to have another human being rob me of my agency, and mark my body as their domain. It has taught me to look beyond troubled legal definitions of “rape” and instead focus on how victims feel.
Rape has a very specific legal definition. This is because it is a very very serious crime. Very specific words have very specific legal definition for a reason, people’s lives can be ruined if the words are misinterpreted. We can not change the meanings of words for the sake of emotional hysteria. Accusations of rape will put a man in jail. Sort-of-rape accusations will get thrown out of court. Prime example of this is UK dj Dr Fox who was taken to court for snog-rape of a 15 yr old girl who requested a snog, which is clearly not a crime. The case was thrown out.'
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