Canada: As many men as women are victims of domestic violence

Article in French here. English translation here. Excerpt:

'Data made public by Statistics Canada this week come debunk some myths about domestic violence.

Thus, contrary to popular belief, the 2014 General Social Survey on victimization tells us that men are just as likely to be victims of spousal violence than women.

If this data does not surprise the experts, some are still surprised to see the fall of domestic violence, which fell by nearly half, and see the extent of violence against men.

According to the survey, a little more than 19 million Canadians who had a spouse or former spouse in 2014, about 4%, or 760,000 people, reported having experienced physical or sexual violence, or both, from their partner in the previous five years. However, the proportion of 4% is identical in men and women.

The good news is that the figure is well below the 7% recorded 10 years earlier, in 2004, a drop the magnitude of which surprised criminologist and specialist in domestic violence issues Stéphane Guay, University from Montreal.

"Let there be a decline is normal and you would expect because this is an issue that has been taken seriously and there were many actions that have been taken. But 3% difference? This is almost a 50% decrease. That I would not have you pledged $ 2 on it, "he told in an interview with The Canadian Press.'

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