Study: Those Who Believe Feminism ‘Irrelevant’ Outnumber ‘Feminists’

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'More people believe that feminism is irrelevant than call themselves a feminist, a survey has revealed. However, two in three Brits say that more needs to be done for women’s equality in our society, leading to a feminist organisation declaring Britain a nation of ‘hidden’ feminists. The survey results don’t bear this conclusion out.

The results were revealed in a recentSurvation poll for The Fawcett Society, in which more than 8,000 British adults were quizzed on their attitudes to gender and feminism.

It found that, while seven per cent of Brits identify as a feminist, nine percent say they believe feminism to be irrelevant. A further 61 per cent believe in equality between the sexes, but say they are not a feminist.

The Fawcett Society has used these results to co-opt the vast majority of Britain into the ranks of the feminists. Chief Executive Sam Smethers said: “The overwhelming majority of the public share our feminist values but don’t identify with the label. However the simple truth is if you want a more equal society for women and men then you are in fact a feminist.”'

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