Why Modern Feminism Does Nothing To Benefit Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A few weeks ago, a video surfaced that made a few ripples around the internet, especially the various groups and pages I’m associated with that focus on gender issues. Not that that’s anything new, but sometimes videos are released that ride a wave of popularity and are used by both sides of the ‘gender war’ to highlight their points of view. This one was no different, enticing cheers of ‘totally’ and jeers of ‘absolutely not’ in equal measure. It was titled 48 things women hear in a lifetime (that men just don’t) and it was a video of various women saying 48 various sentences that, supposedly, men just aren’t subjected to. A few weeks later, an equivalent video was released that followed the same format but was called 48 things men hear in a lifetime (that are bad for everyone). The intention was to promote how much we still ‘need’ feminism, even in 2015 (or 2016 now). Of course, as educational and insightful as both videos intended to be, it also gave us a couple of ‘dafuq’ moments, particularly as some of the things that men ‘just don’t hear’ spouted in the women’s video were, confusingly, repeated in the men’s video. I’ll get into the details a bit later but I want to look at the idea of ‘things that (insert demographic here) hear that (insert equivalent demographic here) simply don’t’.'

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