"Men Have to Manspread Because of Science, Says Mansplaining Scientist"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Poor men. It was already difficult enough for them to accomodate their fellow subway riders, ostensibly because their balls need space (or something). Now they can't even spread their legs on public transit without being shamed for manspreading — by the transit authority, no less.

Well, one data scientist wants to put a stop to all the ladies nagging men for simply doing what they need to do for a comfortable train ride (i.e. sit with their knees as far apart from one another as possible, thereby ensuring strangers can't fit more than a single butt-cheek on the seat next to them).

According to Mark Skinner, an analyst at Roubini Global Economics, there's a very good reason why men manspread on public transit — and it actually has less to do with men being dicks, and more to do with the ratios of the average male body.
Skinner argues that if a male human were to sit with his legs together, "his torso likely won't fit on the top half of the seat" because his knees aren't at least shoulder-width apart. 

The findings included another possible explanation for men taking up too much space on the train, which is that they're actually just trying to take up less room. Skinner claims that because men's knees tend to protrude more on average than women's, manspreading allows them to "avoid collisions in the aisles on crowded trains." (Skinner failed to mention the most likely reason why the trains are crowded in the first place: People are standing because there's not enough room to sit down.)'

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... but still pretty rude.

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