Rubio and Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wielding irrelevant laws, spurious social science and financial coercion, the Obama administration is pressuring colleges and universities to traduce standards of due process when dealing with students accused of sexual assault. Claiming that a 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in education somehow empowers the government to dictate institutions’ disciplinary procedures, the administration is dictating that a mere “preponderance of the evidence,” rather than “clear and convincing” evidence, be used in determining a life-shattering verdict of guilt.

Stuart Taylor Jr. and KC Johnson — a lawyer and an academic, neither Republican — write that the administration justifies this by citing a single “resoundingly discredited” study purporting to prove an epidemic (involving 1 in 5 women) of campus sexual assaults. The administration opposes allowing accused students to cross-examine their accusers, and favors a form of double jeopardy — allowing accusers to appeal not-guilty findings.'

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