‘Jackie’ must turn over communications with ‘Rolling Stone’ in suit over discredited rape story

Article here. Excerpt:

'The source of Rolling Stone’s retracted story on gang rape at the University of Virginia, “Jackie,” will be forced to turn over some of her communications as part of a defamation lawsuit against the magazine.

Considering motions by Associate Dean of Students Nicole Eramo, a federal judge in Virginia said in court Tuesday that Jackie’s communications with Rolling Stone and “A Rape on Campus” author Sabrina Rubin Erdely “likely would be integral” to Eramo’s case, The Washington Post reported.

Judge Glen Conrad said he’s still mulling whether to require Jackie to turn over communications with her friends and family “related to the article,” the Post said.

Feminist organizations had earlier accused Eramo – and the university itself – of “victim blaming” for trying to force Jackie to turn over documents deemed by Eramo’s counsel to be “highly relevant” to her $7.5 million lawsuit.'

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