Say ‘NO’ to misandry

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an article she herself said would “make so many men so very angry,” Chelsea G. Summers described how misandry had, in 2015, become the new tool to further the feministic movement.

Summers stated that a woman now “looks around, and she fears every man, for every man feels implicated in the blank-faced denials of these famous men.” This fear then leads to the anger behind misandry.

The article has been getting mixed reviews since no one can tell if she is actually being serious. As I read through the article, I was waiting for the moment when she would turn it around, say she was joking, or something of the like. I was waiting for the point where I could tell that she is an extremely sarcastic person. That moment never happened.

Modern feminists have tried to separate themselves from the assumption that they hate men for the past few years. Fewer people have identified themselves as radical feminists, who believe they must reject and rage war on men to gain equality.
Misandry has never and will never be able to help feminists achieve their goals; it will only set them back. It is hypocritical to call out certain men for being misogynistic and hating women, and then turn around and hate men. The key to achieving equality is to raise up our voices in a positive, nondestructive way. You cannot hate all men, just because of the actions of a few.

So, Ms. Summers, if this article was written in all seriousness, I am truly sorry for whatever actions some men did to make you have the point of view that all men in the world are the spawn of Satan. I’d have to disagree with your opinion, though. Misandry will never be a large, beneficial presence in the campaign for equality.'

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