Prominent feminist condemns circumcision, claims it's worse than clitoral piercing

Article here. Excerpt:

'The main reason for cutting little boy’s penises given is that it reduces the instance of the transmission of STDs such as HIV. That may be true, and certainly the CDC and other secular medical institutions have made similar claims. However, the problem with this reasoning is that a more effective way of preventing the transmission of disease is the use of condoms, and condoms don’t require you to be circumcised. In fact, even if you are circumcised, you STILL must use protection to avoid the spread of disease.

Another problem with the health benefits argument is that if the genders were reversed, there still would not be anyone advocating for it. If performing a clitorectomy were found to reduce instances of HIV, people would still be against it, no matter the health benefits. Why? Because people believe that women have a right to sexual pleasure derived from the clitoris. Does having an intact foreskin increase the amount of pleasure felt by boys? Yes, it does. Does removing it remove some of their sexual pleasure? Yes, it does.

Another argument in favor of circumcision that is often put forward is that it is cleaner. Of course, this is ridiculous on its face. Removing your ears would make it easier to clean. There are all manner of things that could be removed from the body at birth to increase hygiene. And of course, we live in a country with plenty of access to the materials we need to keep ourselves clean. Has anyone ever conducted a study on how much smegma is produced by vaginas with large labias? If removing the labia helped keep vaginas clean, would anyone argue in favor of it? Of course not.'

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