General's 'greatest fear' that military might lower standards for women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The military will face pressure to lower standards in the future, if women are unable to meet the physical requirements to join front-line combat units or elite fighting forces, a ranking Marine Corps general said Friday.

Calling it his “greatest fear,” Gen. John F. Kelly, the commander of U.S. Southern Command who is slated to retire at the end of the month, predicted few female troops would be able to meet the physical demands in the traditionally all-male military occupations – primarily in the infantry, armor and special operations fields.

“There will be great pressure, whether it’s 12 months from now, four years from now, because the question will be asked whether we’ve let women into these other roles, why aren’t they staying in those other roles?” Kelly told reporters Friday at the Pentagon. “And the answer is … if we don’t change standards it will be very, very difficult to have any numbers – any real numbers – come into the infantry, or the Rangers or the SEALs.”'

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... and the jobs still get done? When the draft is activated, standards for draftees and recruits are lowered so the demand for bullet-stoppers and lean mean fighting machines can get met. Standards get a lot higher in peacetime.

Females don't need to be as strong as males. They just need to be able to kill and be killed. Getting killed is easy for anyone to do. And just about anyone can be trained to carry stuff in a backpack and shoot a rifle.

The real issue here is fraternization. Ppl in the armed forces are typically young adults. Hormones are still raging. It's rampant pregnancy the armed forces fears most. This can be to some degree addressed by keeping units all-male or -female and as much as possible deploying them into distinct operational sectors.

This makes far too much sense though so the armed forces'll never do it.

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