Lawsuit: White Student Bragged About Sex with Black Athletes, Then Got Them Expelled for Rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two black athletes have sued a private college in Ohio, the University of Findlay, for expelling them without even a semblance of due process after they were accused of rape by a white female student.

The lawsuit, filed by Justin Brown and Alphonso Baity, characterizes Findlay’s investigation of the dispute—which was completed in just 24 hours—as a “sham.” The university failed to interview witnesses who would have corroborated Brown and Baity’s accounts, threatened other witnesses for failing to back up the accuser, and, most damningly, ignored considerable evidence that the accuser did not merely consent to sex—she bragged about it later, according to the lawsuit.
According to the lawsuit, the housemates were present in the common area and could hear some of the sexual activities. At least two other white female students were also present. All agreed that M.K. consented to sex, and could at times hear her consenting to sex. Brown and Baity maintain that M.K. was not just a willing participant, but the prime initiator, of their various encounters that night.

M.K. went home the next morning, and bore neither of the alleged perpetrators any ill will. According to the lawsuit, she explicitly told another student (J.F) that the sex was consensual—the lawsuit describes her as “bragging” about it. She also bragged about the encounter to a white female who lived on her floor.

Ten days after the encounter, M.K. filed a sexual assault claim with the university. Findlay administrators interviewed Brown and Baity—without telling them the specific nature of the charges against them—but did not speak to their black housemates because they merely presumed these men would defend their friends. Administrators did speak with the white women who were present (an example of racial discrimination, according to the lawsuit), and then, spectacularly, punished them when they disputed M.K.’s version of events. One of the women lost her work-study job, and the other was threatened with expulsion, according to the lawsuit.'

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