Mother of Wrongfully Accused College Student Describes Trauma

Article here. Excerpt:

'In one part, the mother writes: 

"I want to beg Senators [Claire] McCaskill and [Kirsten] Gillibrand to see the destruction of an innocent life, to feel his pain, to see his trauma, to know what it's like to pick up your child who is in a crumble on the campus lawn, to ask them why his life doesn't matter," she wrote, "but the silencing continues, and the war wages on."

It is doubtful that her pleas would have any effect on Senator McCaskill who has written this in an opinion piece in Time Magazine about her efforts to reform the UCMJ:

"As a former sex crimes prosecutor who’s personally held the hands of victims and fought to put rapists behind bars, I’ve judged each policy idea with one yardstick: Will it lead to better protections for victims and more prosecutions of predators?"

Noticeably missing from her one and only yardstick is due process concerns for the accused.  And, it isn't a stretch to imagine that she cares as little for falsely accused college students as she does for falsely accused Servicemembers who have no place on her yardstick.'

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