Bernie Sanders can't close the gender wage gap, because it's due to choice

Article here. Excerpt:

'At Saturday night's Democratic presidential debate, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he would fix the economy in part by closing the gender wage gap. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also brought up "equal pay for equal work," implying that is not currently the case and that there is some unspoken rule in business that women can be paid less.

The problem with this statement is that the gender wage gap is due to the choices women make and is therefore not fixableunless those choices are controlled — which is a ludicrous suggestion.

And it's not even properly called a "wage gap," it is more appropriately called an "earnings gap," because that is the claim that women earn 77 or 78 cents on the dollar compared to men.'

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and it doesn't even make any sense, as in not logical.

for instance, if it were true that women get less for the same work, then wouldn't companies be crazy to hire more expensive men to get the same results? some more feminist math 4 sure.

this is all about passing some more stupid laws leading to more law suits and more idiotic payouts. not to mention disrupting the workplace even more than they already do w/ their asinine threats of harassment against any male who dares looks the wrong way at them.

truly, I wish women were men's equals in all things. maybe we could then have an honest legal system.

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