McCaskill and Gillibrand say they want fair hearings for the accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'McCaskill: There are people who have legitimate concerns about false accusations and the impact that can have on a young person's life when they have been falsely accused. Kirsten and I are not unaware that that is an issue we need to be concerned about, and that's why we have made changes in the legislation to address not just the rights of the victim, the accuser, but also of the accused. And that's where you're seeing some of the pushback—from families who believe that a loved one was accused unfairly. But the truth is kangaroo courts don't help anybody. They don't help the accused. They don't help the accuser. We want to make sure there's no more of that. We want to make sure there's transparency and due process and fairness. Because that will benefit everyone.'

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First, she wasn't singing that song not too long ago -- just the contrary, in fact. Second, she's about as sincere as a Nazi apologizing for his role in the Holocaust.

They're quite a pair, those two. Barf. I do hope when they are next up for election they will get booted into the trash-bin of history where they belong.

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I find it funny how her bias is crystal clear in the simple fact that she still refers to the accuser as a survivor, even when she's acknowledging the existence of false accusations.

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