State lawmaker proposes bill that would make getting Viagra as hard as getting abortions
Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-12-19 20:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'What if men seeking erectile dysfunction drugs in South Carolina had to go through the same process as women seeking abortions?
This is the novel question that state Rep. Mia McLeod (D) is exploring in a bill that she pre-filed last week in the South Carolina House of Representatives. While she doesn’t expect it to pass in her “male-dominated” legislature, McLeod told NBC she hopes it will broaden the discussion surrounding abortion services in the state.
“I purposely tried to make it as invasive, as intrusive, as hypocritical and unnecessary as possible to make the point,” she said.'
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I did a little research on Viagra once
First, the obvious: it's mostly used by older men who likely have partners who are older and won't get pregnant. The whole notion of hoards of young men using Viagra to impregnate women is urban legend.
Second, Viagra is used in fertility treatments for couples.
Third, Viagra may have some medical uses for women.
Fourth, before ACA, some insurance companies covered Viagra and some didn't. The idea that all insurance companies covered Viagra (but not birth control) is false.
This silly bill is for nothing except revenge for legislators trying to restrict access to abortion. The sponsor cannot see the difference between getting an erection and ending a human life.
Comment removed
I removed my comment because some of the articles I was reading may have been the old abortion laws and not the new abortion laws. I'm not going to comment until I know for sure.