Bloodstained brothers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Four men stand on the corner of College and Chapel street in New Haven on Sat. Oct. 3, dressed head to toe in white Tyvek painter overalls, shivering. On the fabric below their waists, each man proudly sports a large, shocking red splotch.

The white jumpsuits certainly make a statement—“bloody crotches saying ‘J’accuse!’” as one man describes them later—but they aren’t windproof. It’s aWuthering Heights kind of day, the kind where the wind whips around the sides of buildings and under your hood; where the tips of your fingers get stiff around the pencil you’re clutching.

Or the “Stop Torturing Boys” sign you’re waving, in the case of the four men standing next to me. They call themselves the Bloodstained Men.

The Bloodstained Men are a 501(c)(3) non-profit recognized by the state of California and operate as an education and outreach organization within the intactivist movement. “Intactivists” advocate for ending male circumcision worldwide, arguing that it is a form of genital mutilation and therefore a human rights violation.
As a firm believer in bodily autonomy, I’m starting to feel a sense of alliance with the damaged guys. Pro-choice activists contend that women should have the right to choose what they do with their own bodies, and therefore that lawmakers cannot legally forbid them from getting an abortion. Intactivists contend that men should have that right to choose, too, and therefore that parents should not be legally allowed to make the decision to circumcise without a child’s consent. Maybe behind the bared teeth and violent imagery, the Bloodstained Men are onto something—their body, their choice. Right?'

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