India: Why freedom will mean little to this rape accused

Story here. Excerpt:

'His dreams of making a mark as a teacher were shattered mid-way. His wedding, which was just a few days away, was called off. He lost his job which was the only means o sustenance for his elderly parents. A year after being labelled a rapist and locked up in jail for 95 days, 27-year-old Nagaraj, a school attender, is likely to be absolved for lack o evidence. But, the damage has been done and it's unlikely that a court order will be able to repair the young man's spirit or restore his mental health On November 26, 2014 Nagaraj was accused of sexually assaulting a three-year-old pre-nursery girl at a reputed private school off Old Madras Road. The graduate, who had taken up the attender's job to fulfill his ambition of becoming a teacher, was arrested on November 29. 

He was subsequently released on bail and the police are now on the verge of letting him go by due to lack of sufficient evidence to convict him. As reported by BM on December 2 ('Child rape case closed: It was urinary infection'), the police are also planning to file a 'C' report which means that due to lack of evidence against the accused, in this case Nagaraj, they declare the `real' accused as `not traceable'. However, the case can be reopened as and when the real accused is traced or even if foolproof evidence against Nagaraj is established which means investigations in the case would continue.'

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where false accusations of rape/molestation/d.v. (even decades later) can completely destroy any man (except clinton). lies apparently are the currency in today's feminized world.

the destruction of western man is but a whisper away.

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But they'll never go after Bill Clinton--even if the charges are at least as old those made against Cosby.

I also wonder what Hillary knows about what went on. A lot more than we'll ever know. And some of it might not be usable in a court of law. But she helped cover up Bill's transgressions--not because she loved Bill, but to protect their political ambitions. And if lying is the currency of feminism, Hillary is a big spender.

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