Swedish mag tweets job ad seeking anyone but white males

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nöjesguiden the hip city magazine tweeted out their hunt for some new film & music reviewers here, archived here, adding "Note: white males declined".

Pretty blunt way to define the type of employee they were looking for, in fact some people called it discrimination and it has now been reported to the "Diskriminerings Ombudsman" in Sweden. In fact, at least fifteen people felt personally discriminated against as that's how many reports the Diskrimeringsombudsman has received so far according to Dagens Media. At least one of the complainers expresses that he feels discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity, as the company "writes explicitly that they do not want to hire people with certain skin color."

The tweet has been removed, and the wanted ad has been changed. Now on twitter you'll instead find this apology of sorts: "Sometimes even the PC-mafia* is interpreted wrong. As everyone knows, NG stands for everyones equal worth, and everyone are welcome to come and write for us." By "PC_mafia" they mean the Politically Correct 'mafia', a term often used for magazines like Nöjesguiden.'

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