Today’s whiny feminism is killing sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'These days, women are treated as perpetual victims. In need of safe spaces at their colleges so they dare not hear alternative opinions, suspicious of all men as predators and infantilized by people in power seeking to protect them.

We’ve gotten to a point where society accepts that sex isn’t an action between two equals — we treat the man as always in control of the encounter. A drunk woman is incapable of consent while a drunk man remains responsible for all of his actions.

This is somehow seen as “pro-woman” and not as a way of turning a grown woman into a child, which is what it actually is. In the last year, feeling that this type of infantilization didn’t go far enough, there’s been a growing movement for “affirmative consent” on college campuses. Now consent must be verbally granted at every step of a sexual encounter.
The grrrls of the ’90s have given way to the uptight millennial women waiting on men to make them happy. But the game isn’t rigged — women need to step up and take responsibility for their own pleasure, just as men do, and not wait for men to provide it for them.

To send young men the message of total female powerlessness and then complain that they feel disempowered just proves the fact that most men aren’t even aware they’re playing a game, much less rigging it. The young women are — and they’re losing.'

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In a world where a woman can accuse a man of sexual misconduct just because she has AM-after regrets or second thoughts, leading to a man's expulsion/suspension from college (a possibly very costly "punishment", if it can be called that -- more like a costly victimization), how the hell can the women be "losing"?

Men are the losers in this deal, and as the author aptly points out, the game is indeed rigged, but against men the entire way. Maybe it's youthful hormones overcoming sounder reasoning, but why the hell any college man diddles a coed these days is beyond me. All I can figure is indeed, it's youthful hormones combined with the lack of experience in life that eventually teaches people that with rare exception, "it could never happen to me," isn't true for many things: car accidents, job loss, and false accusations by wrong-headed college girls.

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In Lawrence v Taylor, the SC ruled that the State of Texas could not outlaw homosexual acts between adults because they were protected by the "right to privacy."

It makes me wonder if "affirmative consent" laws violate the right to privacy because they amount to dictating how two (or more) people must have sex. If you don't get consent at every step, it's a violation of the law, even if no one presses charges.

One of her examples involves a woman who consented to have sex with two men, then wondered about the "power imbalances"--as if men have more power in that scenario than the woman herself. What a lot of women seem to want is for someone else to take responsibility for their sex lives. Of course, putting the responsibility on someone else means that someone else will make choices for women--because women can't handle the responsibility of making their own choices.

At some point, I hope the human race will evolve to the point where women can be treated as adults who can take responsibility for their actions, and not just as adults when it comes to choices and as children when its comes to responsibilities.

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