Deluded feminists divide us and imperil basic freedoms

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is a "trigger warning". Reach for the smelling salts, victims of the patriarchy. I intend to be offensive.

For the benefit of challenged readers, here is the Urban Dictionary's definition of the term: "A phrase [whose] purpose is to warn weak-minded people who are easily offended that they might find what is being posted offensive in some way due to its content, causing them to overreact or otherwise start acting like a dipshit."
It has been one of the joys of my life that mutual respect and easy friendship between men and women, which was unusual in Ireland and Britain in my youth, became a norm in these islands. My younger friends are unselfconsciously at ease with the opposite sex, and mutual teasing is a part of that. All this is undermined by the tiny minority of women who are helping the struggle for equality to mutate into the assault on free speech that is modern feminism.

In my lifetime, with the help of many sympathetic men, in the West, women achieved equality in education, employment, pay, marriage and pretty well everything that mattered. There were no issues outstanding that could not be worked through with persistence and goodwill.

And then, the grievance-mongers and seekers after victimhood took over, and, inevitably, academics got involved and made everything worse with intellectually contemptible theories and jargon.'

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1. A system/society that precludes women socially and politically. 2. A system/society where women have less rights than men, or no rights at all. 3. A system/society where women have no voice and no representation..
4. A system/society where men hold the predominance of power and women hold little or none, at all.
5.A system/society where unjust laws are made for women only and men are excluded from said laws.

1. In the West; Women have the same power socially and politically.
2. In the West; Women have the same rights as men. Men have no rights that women do not. *However,* Women have *more* rights than men have.
3. In the West; Women have *more* of a voice than do men, and are actually *over represented* in popular culture, media and politics.
4. In the West; Women have the same rights and opportunities to hold political power, run for public and/or political offices.
5. In the West; Women have *NO gender-specific laws* targeting them only, while precluding men. *However* men are subject to such gender-specific laws, whereas women are not. (i.e. "Manspreading", public nudity and "Men-Control". ) Also, men are held to a "law" limiting free speech. While men cannot criticize feminism or women, as a whole, women are free to say whatever they please, regarding men. No woman has lost tenure at Universities or their jobs or had their careers ruined criticising men or even for spewing outright hate speech towards men.
*However,* Scores of *MEN* have lost tenure at Universities or their jobs or had their careers ruined criticising feminists or simply joking about women. No actual "Hate speech" was uttered by these men, against women.

...Tell me again how we live in a "Patriarchy?"

The "Patriarchy" is a myth!

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