A Man's World but Not a Boy's

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have high regard for Adam Grant, whose bestselling book, Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success, shows how altruism can be a key to accomplishment. And perhaps I should focus on that when I think about his post on Psychology Today, whose title is not quite as gracious. It’s “Dear Men: Wake Up and Smell the Inequality,” and it talks about how women still do not have an equal opportunity in the workplace, and that it’s time for men to work hard to change this.

But he is certainly not making it easy for me, a man, since not only the title, but the text itself addresses men in a condescending and patronizing way. Consider his two hypotheses as to why men don’t recognize the fact that women still don’t have the same opportunities to rise up as they do: First is “Men are stupid.” Granted, he admits that “not all men are idiots,” but this does set a tone.

His main hypothesis, however, is Number 2, “Men are blind.” He writes, “Many intelligent men have a hard time stomaching the idea that the world of work still isn’t fair. Not long ago, I was one of them.

As soon as I read Grant’s piece, which was on the day it was published, I wondered, and wrote in my journal, “Does he have daughters?” So when I clicked on his link “I was one of them,” and found that yes, he does -- I was not surprised.'

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