UK: Philip Davies: 'politically correct males pander to militant feminists'

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'Division between men and women is stirred up by “militant feminists” and overzealous “politically correct males”, Conservative MP Philip Davies has said in a parliamentary debate to mark International Men’s Day.

The MP for Shipley said he had spent his political career campaigning against “the blight of political correctness, which is doing so much damage to our country”, and that its “most pernicious effects” were felt on the area of gender equality.

Speaking in a debate which focused on the issue of male suicide, Davies described the introduction of the select committee for women and equalities after May’s general election as “the most depressing thing to happen”.

“After everything else, in 2015 we have a separate committee to deal with women’s issues on top of the women’s minister, women’s question time and the many strategies in the country which only deal with women,” he said.

“The problem is virtually everything we do in this House and debate in this House seems to start with the premise that everything is biased against women and something must be done about it – never an appreciation that men’s issues can be just as important and that men can be just as badly treated in certain areas as women.”'

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