Jameis Winston threatens to sue CNN over rape movie The Hunting Ground

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'Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston is threatening to sue CNN if the network airs a documentary on campus sexual assault that accuses him of rape, according to a letter obtained by the Hollywood Reporter.

The Hunting Ground, directed by Kirby Dick and producer Amy Ziering, debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in January and has since been screened on college campuses across the country, earning an endorsement from Barack Obama. CNN has announced plans to air a broadcast version of the film on Sunday.

"We are writing to formally caution CNN that the portions of the film The Hunting Ground pertaining to Mr Winston are false and defamatory to Mr Winston,” states the letter from Winston’s attorneys to CNN’s Jeff Zucker. “We urge CNN to reconsider the reckless decision to proceed with the broadcast of this deeply-flawed documentary in the face of the overwhelming evidence the film’s producers consciously and intentionally failed to adhere to any accepted journalistic standards.”'

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