Fathers' Rights Protesters Rally Outside County Courthouse

Story here. Excerpt:

'Protesters rally for fathers' rights to child custody outside the Allen County Courthouse. A group of people supporting fathers' rights gathered in Lima to protest the current Ohio family law that gives full child custody to the mother if her and the father split. Protestors say the law makes it difficult for fathers and grandparents to get visitation rights, and they want to change it so parents will share equal 50/50 rights to their children, or prove that the other parent is unfit.

The protest organizer started the slogan "Dads Against Deadbeat Systems". He says they are looking for 1,500 signatures on their petition to get on the spring ballot for shared parenting. "The deadbeat thing is yes, of course there are deadbeat dads out there that aren't taking care of their kids, but the system right now is making it hard for fathers that want to be involved in their kids lives," said Devin Green, "We get the stigma as being a deadbeat, because we're not seen with our children or around our children, but we want to be, the court process isn't set up for us to be able to be involved in our kids lives right now. So, deadbeat, it's a play on we're not deadbeat dads, the system's what's deadbeat right now." They plan to have 1 rally a month in different counties around Ohio to promote rights for fathers and grandparents. green says you can sign the petition at 12 East Bar and Grill in Lima.'

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