Feminists are trying to frame Linus Torvalds for sexual assault, claims open source industry veteran

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists in tech have been staging attempted “honey traps” to frame prominent male software developers for sexual assault, according to explosive claims on the blog of Eric S. Raymond, a pioneer of the open source movement. In allegations that will rock the world of software development, prominent targets included Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel.

Raymond quoted excerpts from an online chat with a trusted source, who told him that the Ada Inititiative, a recently-discontinued feminist advocacy group in tech, was trying to “collect scalps” by concocting charges of attempted sexual assault against male software developers.

The source told Raymond that the “MO” of the feminists was to “get alone with the target, and then immediately report attempted sexual assault.” The source said he had stopped mentoring female developers over fears that they might fabricate such charges.'

Wikipedia on Linus Torvalds here.

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