An open letter to feminist students (from a guy who shoots straight)
Article here. Excerpt:
'Perhaps you’ll smear all of what follows as “mansplaining” so as to extricate yourself from critical engagement. That would be a shame, though not wholly unanticipated.
It is repugnant that women are coached by feminist enablers who are, broadly speaking, informed by the ideology’s principles to reinterpret past sexual encounters as rape because they presently feel emotionally damaged—and are then actively encouraged to weaponize that regret to the ruin of many young men who are simply following cultural cues brought about by the Sexual Revolution—ostensibly a feminist movement, to boot.
We should be sickened by the abrogation of due process in the wake of this hysteria. It is not the job of a university to adjudicate potential rape claims. That task falls to and is within the purview of police departments (which gather evidence) and then to the courts (which discern the veracity of said evidence and, if necessary, then mete out a proportional punishment). The rule of law and due process specifically were enshrined in our Constitution to protect the rights of the accused (yes, they do indeed retain certain rights, ladies), and insulate them from tyrannical, mob-like, groupthink-fueled decisions (think Rolling Stone’s UVA rape scandal non-story or Emma Sulkowicz, “Mattress Girl,” of Columbia).'
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