Men should have rights, even on college campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’ve written previously in this column about how many colleges and universities — some of them the most elite in the country — are not allowing free speech on campus. Listening to different points of view should typify students at any university, but it no longer is the case.

But another disturbing trend on college campuses is to disallow male students from defending themselves against accusations of sexual assault. In many cases colleges have taken action against the defendants, such as expelling them, when they were not allowed to state their case or hire a lawyer to defend them.

This is particularly disturbing considering the number of high-profile cases where accusations have been proven to be bogus. It was predictable that defendants would start filing lawsuits against the universities, and that is now happening. This will probably get the schools’ attention more than anything.

Sexual assault continues to be a serious problem on campuses, and in the past many colleges have ignored the problem or covered it up. University officials were more concerned with maintaining the reputations of their schools and “keeping things quiet” than with helping young women who had been assaulted or trying to fix the problem.

But now, the policy appears to be to have these same colleges handle sexual assault accusations without a proper trial and thereby in some cases ruin the reputations of innocent men. In my view, sexual assaults are a crime, and should be handled through the regular justice system.'

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