UK: Forget women in boardrooms — we need more men in classrooms

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women, know your place. And that place is in the boardrooms of Britain’s biggest companies.

A new Government-backed report from Lord Mervyn Davies has called for a target of at least a third of boardroom positions at FTSE 350 companies to be held by women by the end of the decade.

Lord Davies, who has been championing gender equality in the boardroom, stopped short of calling for quotas for the number of women in directorships but he hailed the “near revolution which has taken place in the boardroom and profound culture change at the heart of British business”.

And it is indeed nothing short of a revolution, with 26 per cent of board members at leading companies now being of the female persuasion – more than double the figure just four years ago.
If David Cameron genuinely believes that institutions benefit from having a balance of men and women working in them, then he would do well to look beyond the boardroom to the classroom.

Because there is a far more worrying gender problem at the other end of the income scale from the six-figure-earning businesswomen that today’s report focuses upon, and that is the chronic lack of men in our primary school classrooms.

Only one in four teachers in our schools is now male, while that plummets down to just 14 per cent in our primary schools.'

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