The Movement to Force Young Women into Tech

Article here. Excerpt:

'Breitbart’s own Milo Yiannopoulos recently highlighted a number of facts often omitted in the “women in tech” discussion, which includes the fact that women pursuing careers in technology often see preferential treatment during the hiring process over their male counterparts, largely due to quotas and affirmative action in the name of diversity. Being a woman, in general, is an immense advantage, and yet few women are pursuing these fields.
The idea that an extremely specific technology degree is needed in order to contribute to the advancement of our society is arguably the gravest error in thinking we as a people have ever made. The second gravest is not truly appreciating those who have stepped into the roles of technological innovation, instead telling them that their worth is intrinsically tied to their gender.

If young girls, on average, find themselves naturally shifting away from computers, why do we, as a people, feel a collective need to fight that? We certainly wouldn’t fight many other harmless natural inclinations.

For Wojcicki, it was worth fighting. She proudly enrolled her daughter in an all-girls coding camp, which effectively reconditioned the child and helped her embrace her computer overlords, who apparently hold the one and only key to a successful life. Thank goodness we are finding ways to teach young girls that their passions must align with what is expected of them by others. We wouldn’t want them thinking that no means no, right?'

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