The phony campus rape crisis

Article here. Excerpt:

'In August 2012, two rapes by unknown assailants were reported at Harvard University, sending the school into crisis. Police cruisers idled around the campus; uniformed and plainclothes officers came out in force. Students were advised not to walk alone. A member of the undergraduate council called for the closing of Harvard Yard. “I thought Cambridge wasn’t a dangerous area,” a freshman told the student newspaper. “It was Harvard—it was supposed to be safe, academic.” (In fact, Harvard still was safe. The campus authorities ultimately deemed at least one of the rape allegations baseless, judging by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports. Since Harvard never disclosed the outcome of either of its investigations, its findings regarding the other supposed incident remain secret.)
Why the disparity between administrative talk and action? Harvard, after all, is not the only college capable of forcefully responding to alleged rape. In the fall of 2014, the University of Virginia doubled down on security after a student was abducted and presumed raped (the girl was later found to have been killed). If Drew Gilpin Faust and her fellow presidents really believe that they are presiding over a crime scene of what would be unprecedented proportions, they should at the least radically revamp their admissions procedures to prevent sex fiends from joining the student body, if not provide round-the-clock protection to female students.

Nothing of the sort ever happens, however. And that is because there is no such crime wave on college campuses—according to the alleged victims themselves. The vast majority of survey respondents whom the AAU researchers classified as sexual assault victims never reported their alleged assaults to their colleges’ various confidential rape hotlines, sexual assault resource centers, or Title IX offices, much less to campus or city police. And the overwhelming reason why the alleged victims did not report is that they did not think that what happened to them was that serious. At Harvard, over 69 percent of female respondents who checked the box for penetration by use of force did not report the incident to any authority. Most of those non-reporters—65 percent—did not think their experience was serious enough to report. This outcome is inconceivable in the case of real rape. No woman who has actually been raped would think that the rape was not serious enough to report. The White House Council on Women and Girls, echoing campus rape dogma, maintains that colleges are churning out legions of traumatized rape “survivors,” who go on to experience a lifetime of physical and emotional disability. Apparently these victims are so shellshocked that they don’t even realize how disabled they are.'

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I know my alma mater has about 30,000 students, more than half female. Each year, about 8 rapes or sexual assaults are reported. Surveys predict that number should be around 4,000. Of course, 4,000 female students aren't raped each year.

One thing feminists do is re-define words, including "rape." They expand the definition to include more and more types of behavior. Then they do research, and come up with huge numbers of women being raped--because their new definition expands what is considered rape or sexual assault. They publish the reports,and, if you read them, you can see they've re-defined the word to include ever more male behavior. But most people don't read them. They see the headlines in the newspaper and think lots of women are victims of rape--which to them means a man forcing a woman to have sex. But rape doesn't mean that anymore. It used to mean he did not get consent--and even that is vague. The new definition is that he didn't stop every ten minutes and got another "yes, my love, yes." (Is it ten minutes? Or five? Or fifteen? And does the woman have to ask? Or just the man?)

Forcible rape is fairly rare. Using that as a definition, no one could claim there's a crisis. But expand the meaning, and you get an instant crisis. Now, under affirmative consent policies, even holding hands without getting a verbal okay first is a form of sexual assault. Romance is dead.

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