Suzanne Venker: What I wanted to tell students at Williams College

Article here. Excerpt:

'As you know, feminism is a large umbrella for an enormous range of topics — from its signature issue, abortion, to sex and relationships, women in the workplace, marriage, divorce, domestic violence, women in the military and work-family balance.

There isn’t a person among us who doesn’t have a stake in at least one of these issues.

But they are not “women’s issues,” as the media often claim. They are everyone’s issues.

Men have opinions on these matters as well, as they should, yet their voices are rarely heard.

Same goes for women who don’t consider themselves feminists — which, for the record, is most women.

We hear from feminists the most for good reason.

A. Feminists pride themselves on being the arbiter of all things female.

B. They have the microphone. Indeed, the feminist elite run the show.

The feminist elite is comprised of left-leaning professors, journalists, writers, psychologists, actresses and lawyers whose beliefs have seeped into the culture to such a degree that anyone who takes a non-feminist view of any topic is branded either sexist or a misogynist.

This group uses their clout to bully people into silence, and the result is a lack of reasonable dialogue.

Since people don’t wish to be attacked for simply questioning an idea, they say nothing — giving feminists free reign of the conversation.

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot over the years about liberal media bias, but feminist bias is an offshoot of that — and it’s far more toxic.

As former CBS News journalist Bernard Goldberg wrote in his book "Bias," “I know a few top male producers who would rather walk barefoot on cut glass while drinking Drano than have to face the Missus back home after giving the green light to a story on the excesses of feminism.”

There are even doctors, scientists and researchers in this country who can’t publish their findings if what they’ve discovered undermines a feminist worldview. That’s the insidious nature of feminist bias.'

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