UK: "Why I'm a male supporter of the Women's Equality Party"
Article here. Excerpt:
'Positive discrimination is so often viewed as a negative. The naysayers complain that it goes against the very ideals on which ‘equality’ is founded and that it becomes exclusive, rather than inclusive.
I’d hazard that most of those dissenting voices are, again, ‘male, stale and pale’. They’re a section of society that has, for so, so long, had a grip on the reins of power, and they’re unwilling to see the damage it does. If you believe that people can rise on merit alone, regardless of gender, race or social class, then you have to believe that white men are just better than everyone else – which is clearly ridiculous. So it’s time to force those white, male hands to loosen their grip - or they never will.
So here’s a call to the white, middle class men (like me), who don’t know how easy they’ve had it thus far. If you want to live in the same world I do, support the introduction of gender quotas and be prepared to step aside. Don‘t despair if you’re overlooked for a job that goes to a woman. Instead, rejoice! You’ve just done your bit for society – and that should feel good.'
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"Why I'm a male supporter of the Women's Equality Party"
...because you are a mangina.
Whenever . . .
. . . I hear men spewing garbage like this, I like to imagine how satisfying it would be to ask them: "why don't you resign and let a woman take your job then? I mean if you're as supportive of this idea as you say you are."
Just once, I'd love to see a male fembot try to explain his way out of that one.