Feminists Angry a Man Won’t Help Them Negotiate Their Salaries

Article here. Excerpt:

'If a man dares to answer a question about feminism, he better be prepared for the backlash if he doesn’t give the acceptable response. But since it seems like even feminists don’t know what they want men to say, good luck to him figuring out what that acceptable answer is.

Even in liberal Hollywood. Take for example The Avengers actor Jeremy Renner’s response to the question, “Would he be willing to negotiate alongside his female co-stars on future projects?” asked by Business Insider UK, Oct.20 during a press conference.

First, some context. Renner’s American Hustle co-star Jennifer Lawrence recently penned an open-letter, highly-lauded by the media, where she explained her shock in finding out how little she made compared to her male co-stars and how she had been afraid to negotiate for a higher salary because she didn’t want to be perceived as spoiled.

Now, the media is buzzing about equal pay in Hollywood and hunting down actors to see if their opinions on equal pay match up to the feminist dogma.

So Renner responded to the question of whether or not he’d help a female co-star get more money, saying, “That’s not my job. I don’t know contracts and money and all that sort of stuff.”

He went on to say he supported equal pay for women in Hollywood but he’s there to focus on his acting, not on everyone’s salaries. “I’m a performer and I know human behavior. When it comes to that sort of stuff I let other people deal with that,” said Renner. “I do what I’m good at, that's what I focus on,” he stated.'

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