'5 Signs You Might Be Dating A "Man-Child"'
Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2015-10-19 06:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'The idea of a boy who never grows up is promoted and even romanticized in our culture as sexy and just "the way men are." Sadly women often pay the price for such a prize. There are consequences to keeping this type of "man" in check. She does the work for two and he coasts by. This may partly explain why men, by and large, benefit more from marriage than do women.
Marriage brings for most men greater happiness, physical health and greater wealth than their bachelor counterparts. Women on the other hand, can't take for granted that they too will reap these same benefits. In fact, for women benefiting from marriage or long-term partnership is dependent upon the quality of the partnership.'
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I always laugh...
... when I see articles asserting marriage to be a veritable BOON to men and sheer drudgery for women. If it were so, why then do so many women seem to want it/*need* it (or act like it) than do men? If women were not by and large the primary instigators of marriage, does anyone think people'd still be doing it?
Since feminism kicked in hard, marriage rates have been dropping as women delay or forego looking for a husband in favor of working more. And does anyone see men lamenting it? Maybe a few older guys who were counting on grandkids by a certain time, but otherwise, no. In fact, without nearly as much pressure on men to roll those Family Court dice, you see men living more independently and self-directedly today as you ever saw back in the "old days".
But do we read of young women complaining of the "lack of suitable men" around for taking to the altar? You betchya!
Articles like these make just laugh and laugh and laugh. :)