Is The Tide Turning On Phony College Rape?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the past few years, the apparent epidemic of rapes on college campuses (backed by shady statistics) has been the Left’s favorite talking point.

But, as rules and laws get continually more stacked against male students–who often face the challenging task of proving their innocence, rather than having their accusor prove guilt–there’s the beginnings of backlash.

Male students at the United Kingdom’s University of Warwick are up in arms about a class, called “I Heart Consent,” that teaches them how to not accidentally rape their partner. No, really.

In an article called, “Why I don’t need consent lessons,” published by the student newspaper, The Tab, student George Lawlor struck at the very heart of the liberal narrative:

Like any self-respecting individual would, I found this [invitation to the “I Heart Consent” class] to be a massive, painful, bitchy slap in the face… It implies I have an insufficient understanding of what does and does not constitute consent and that’s incredibly hurtful. I can’t stress that enough.'

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