Women And The Draft: How Equal Do We Want To Be?

Article here. Excerpt:

'If the words “Selective Service” aren’t a call to arms for you, it might be because you are a woman – with no sons. For American young men and their parents, “Selective Service” means “the draft,” and, yes, boys still have to sign up for it.
True, the country has not yet re-activated a draft, leaving Selective Service to fade into near obscurity, while our all-volunteer military has fought three more wars. However, the consequences for men who don’t register are immediate and real: up to 5 years in prison, a fine of up $250,000, and ineligibility for government jobs or financial aid.

That’s right; your son can go to jail if he does not register for the Selective Service within 30 days of his 18th birthday.

But don’t worry; your daughters are still safe. They can choose to serve or not. Even if your son has a disability, he must register. But America’s healthiest daughters do not.'

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