"The cure for all-male, all-white panels"
Article here. Excerpt:
'A couple of weeks ago I was asked to be on a panel about the suburbs. It’s a subject that fascinates me, so I thought about it over a few days and then rejected the idea.
The very last thing the suburbs need is an old, white guy representing them in any capacity. It would shore up a stereotype the suburbs are trying to break.
I don’t do panels anymore. I enjoyed doing the TPT Almanac media panel for the several times I did it, then got tired of having brilliant comments dismissed because I’m the “old, white guy.” Same with a few news panels in house at MPR.
Clearly, that’s a selfish reason, but it still provided an opportunity to begin to listen to other voices, especially more ethnically and racially diverse voices.
All of this sounds far more noble than it really is. But the conclusion is the same. If white men are really interested in supporting diversity in the public space, the very best thing they can do to achieve it, is to sit down and be quiet.'
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And the Manhole Award goes to...
... you guessed it! I am glad this guy's decided to sit down and shut up. This'll definitely make more room for everyone else, including me. Besides, anyone who wants to curb his own voice (i.e., stop exercising his right to free speech) probably's too stupid to say much of anything worth listening to.