Hillary Clinton On Capitol Hill Sexism: Some Men “Were Just Troubling”

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last year, when Kirsten Gillibrand was promoting her memoir — a book detailing a number of sexist encounters with unpleasant male colleagues — the senator said of one occasion, “I wasn’t in a place where I could tell him to go fuck himself.”

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has been in that place.

“Yes, I have,” she said in an interview with Another Round, a BuzzFeed podcast, declining to elaborate. Typically, however, Clinton said she refrains from cursing. “I say, ‘Did you hear what you just said?’ I’ve had some luck with that over the years.”

“But I’ve encountered those kinds of situations over the years,” she said, describing men who find it difficult to work respectfully with women. “Sometimes you just have to ignore what’s happening because there’s a larger issue you’re trying to deal with, and sometimes you have to confront it, and it’s almost a snap decision.”'

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