Huffington Post: Blame 'Hegemonic Masculinity' for Mass Shootings

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the aftermath of the murderous rampages like the recent one in Oregon, some weep for the dead and pray for the wounded. Others, such as the Huffington Post feminist Soraya Chemaly, exploit such barbaric acts of violence to push their own political narratives. As stated in Chemaly’s headline, the real culprit behind mass shootings like the one in Oregon is “Masculinity, Masculinity, Masculinity.”

Despite the fact that Oregon shooter Chris Harper-Mercer has a mixed-race appearance, Chemaly lamented that “another young white man with a gun has wreaked havoc on a community and once again the media is fixated on a numbing conversation about guns and mental illness.” She grants that both these topics are “important dimensions of this crisis,” but claims that

`[w]ithout addressing the gender and race dimensions of male entitlement in the United States -- and the role they play in the treatment of mental illness, gun culture and the targeting of victims -- we will never tackle this problem in a meaningful way.`

From here, Chemaly construed several mass shootings into a homicidal attack on women.

`Schools make up 10 percent of mass shooting sites in the US and are...places where educated women aggregate and compete with men as equals. According to one thorough analysis, women are twice as likely to die in school shootings….Workplace shootings also have a marked result: being killed while at work is the second most likely way for women to die in the workplace, after car accidents….So, it doesn't require an explicit statement of misogyny to result in a explicitly disproportionate harm to women and children due to the violent expression of masculinity.`

After framing mass shootings as specific attacks on women rather than the murder of a variety of victims, Chemaly then pointed a finger at a particular racial group.'

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If women were committing mass murder, it would be legal and defended by Congress.

Oh, wait, women are committing mass murder. Women kill about 3300 babies a day, while mass murderers have killed fewer than 400 in the last 13 years. In other words, women kill almost ten times more of their own children in one day than all mass murderers combined have killed over the last 13 years. Planned Parenthood kills about 1100 a day--and they're subsidized by taxpayers and defended by members of congress

Mass murderers kill less than 1/10 of a person per day--and they're vilified. But they're all men. Women, on the other hand, kill 3300 a day--and celebrated as fighting a noble cause, improving medical research, and reducing the cost of welfare.

If mass murderers just sold the body parts, they could probably get a government grant. Maybe they need a good PR firm.

It's not what is done--it's who is doing it. If a man kills ten people, it's a terrible crime. If an abortion doctor kill ten babies, then sells the parts, she's protected by law.

Women who believe it's okay to kill their own children and sell the tissue for salvage value are teaching their sons it's okay to kill other human beings. Life has no value. But a government subsidy does.

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