Canadian politician among those ejected from recent "Slut Walk"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sunday night on SiriusXM Channel 125’s Breitbart News Sunday program, Breitbart Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon interviewed Rebel Media videographer and Canadian Libertarian candidate for Parliament Lauren Southern about getting ejected from Saturday afternoon’s SlutWalk event in Los Angeles.

Southern and Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos were escorted by police from the so-called Amber Rose SlutWalk event, which drew a few hundred attendees to Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles to protest against “rape culture” and “slut-shaming.”

“Essentially, it started out after a cop in Toronto, Canada said that if women don’t want to get raped, they should dress less like sluts, which, to be fair, was an offensive comment,” Southern explained of the origins of the SlutWalk event. “But statistically, he’s not wrong, that when women do dress more scantily-clad, they are more likely to get raped, based on police statistics.”

"But feminists got very angry with this, so they decided to have SlutWalk to end ‘slut shaming,'” Southern continued. “So it started out with somewhat of a purpose, but walking around in your underwear on the street to end it doesn’t really make much sense.”'

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