Obama Ignores the Obvious in Oregon: Another Fatherless Killer

Article here. Excerpt:

'How President Barack Obama and countless other politicians and pundits can fail to grasp—or be unwilling to confront—the obvious connection between the breakdown of American family life and a rise in violent crime is a mystery deserving examination.

For example, after Thursday’s Oregon mass shooting, Obama predictably focused attention on the availability of firearms on America, calling on citizens to pressure legislators to enact gun control laws.

“The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine,” Obama said in a remarkably lucid moment of his speech.

What Obama did not say in his impassioned address, what would have truly been a break in the “routine” and rhetoric that inevitably follow tragedies involving firearms, was that 26-year-old shooter Chris Harper Mercer was the umpteenth example of a fatherless boy who grows up to be a violent criminal.

It is, of course, much easier to blame guns for our problems than to address the underlying causes of American violence. For one thing, gun control is a popular, quick fix. All it takes is a law and legislators can pat themselves on the back for having “dealt with” the problem.'

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