Girls outnumber boys in juvy, report shows

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girls now make up a larger share of the juvenile justice population, according to a new study released Friday.

The report, “Gender Injustice: System-Level Juvenile Justice Reforms for Girls” by the National Crittenton Foundation and the National Women’s Law Center, said arrests of girls increased by 45 percent over the past two decades, while court caseloads and detentions increased by 40 percent and post-adjudication placement rose by 44 percent.

A number of the girls coming through the system were found to have been victims of violence and sexual abuse at home and in their communities. 

“The traumatic and unhealthy social environments in which many girls live result in behaviors that are criminalized or are mishandled by other systems, resulting in girls’ entry into the juvenile justice system,” the report said.'

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But it isn't. Remember, it's only a problem insofar as it affects women and girls!

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