Circumcision protest group to demonstrate in Princeton

Story here. Excerpt:

'If you're in Princeton Wednesday and happen to see a bunch of people who appear to be wounded in a very painful manner, don't call 911.

They're part of a group called The Bloodstained Men who are opposed to circumcision, and they've been traveling to cities in the Northeast to draw attention to what they believe is needless surgery on baby boys.

Their attire is designed to shock: white pants with red paint daubed over the groin. They refer to themselves as "intactivists," or activists who favor intact genitals.

Craig Adams, of Dover, one of the demonstration organizers, said he became interested in the issue after the birth of his son in 2013. He and his wife declined three separate inquiries about circumcision while at the hospital, prompting one nurse to remark to their newborn, "You're a lucky baby."'

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