Canada: Up For Debate gives voice to neglected women’s issues

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'For instance: how to make Canada a safer and better place for women? Start with the “testosterone-flooded” House of Commons, said May, which prompted gales of laughter in the audience at the U of T.

All leaders spoke about fixing women’s inequality from inside Parliament first by increasing women’s representation. Trudeau and May said that getting rid of first-past-the-post would lead to more women MPs.

Mulcair promised to introduce a 50-per-cent female quota for the boards of directors of federal organizations.
May said women’s issues, along with the environment, are too often shoved to the back burner because political discourse in this country caters to men.

“What are the issues that appeal to the alpha males? We still live in a patriarchal society, we still live in a society where men don’t want to admit they’re sexist, but there is pervasive sexism,” she said. “I’ve never worked in a workplace as male-dominated and testosterone-flooded as the House of Commons.”'

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